DIPTO Foundation Profile

The term ‘Empowerment’ has a deep-rooted meaning, which will be used by DIPTO (which stands for Discipline, Integrity, Productivity, Transparency & Openness in Bangla the word means Alokito, Ujjal, Prokashito or Tâjomoy) in accordance with its multidisciplinary interventions. The prime focus of DIPTO is to enlighten the marginalized groups and victims of violence through awareness building, skill development, psycho-social support and employment generation activities, in order to make them self-reliant…Read More


DIPTO, as a Gender Foundation is committed for long term economic sustainable development initiatives. These initiatives have already been piloted . .Read More


DIPTO’s vision is to facilitate and create values and accountable social system to bring qualitative changes for gender equity and development for the marginalized groups.


The mission of the foundation is to establish institutional mechanisms for improving the access to services and livelihood options through support from Development Partners and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

DIPTO’s Activities

Institutional capacity building for improved access to services

DIPTO has conduct a need assessment prior to initiate the capacity building component of the first objective of the Foundation. On the basis of findings of the assessments and its results, a module for training developed. Based on this DIPTO Foundation provided necessary support and services to the relevant organizations when it is necessary. Different types of training in relation to project activities are provided with specialized resource persons. Foundation prepares a priority list and follow on phase wise plan to provide training on different projects /programs.

It is truly remarkable how much things can change a year. I am writing this on December 18, 2022,exactly after…Read More

Institutional capacity building for improved access to services

Advocacy and lobbying action begins from policymakers to the grass root level including all stakeholders. Setting up national, regional and international collaboration with the relevant gender and human rights organizations through networking, focus group discussions and awareness raising campaigns. These will be included in the action plan of the Foundation.

Political Empowerment

A growing consensus of political empowerment as a necessary condition for sustained economic and social advancement of women. The culture of political empowerment has not been reached up to the understanding stage of the people. Women’s participation in political arena is just a mere show piece. Women are not receiving any space to raise their voice in a more practical manner. Their expression on political views are not heard and always discouraged. There is a growing consensus of political empowerment as a necessary condition for sustained economic and social advancement of women. With this view DIPTO Foundation carry forward the dialogue with the partners continuously for broader understanding and network.

Incorporation of Partnership through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Foundation aims to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities and options to the target groups with the involvement of the Private Sector agencies using CSR approaches. This will be done through, a long-term job training and job placements provided by the employers. Banking sector, multinational companies and other corporate(s) can play vital roles in meeting such challenges through enhanced CSR initiatives. Here the Deputy Director of Bangladesh Bank and Principal officer of CSR department visited field collaboration with the Foundation in relation to projects in Jessore, BanchteShekha and Rights Jessore . During the visit the team rendered CSR training for the partners of the Foundation were provided.